The Air Up There Kevin Bacon Dvd
Kevin Bacon stars in this quickie sports film that’s really more a culture-
clash comedy, but fun to watch. He plays an assistant coach at the college-
basketball level who’s looking for that big, big recruiting score and finds it
in a distant African village. But his quarry, a seven-footer (Charles Gitona Maina)
he spots in an anthropology film, turns out to be the prince of his tribe who’s in
line for the crown and has no interest in becoming fodder for Sports Center. So
it’s up to the callous American to convince him that he wants to give this all up
to live in a dorm and chase coeds (while, of course, honoring his ancestors). Its
is presented on rare DVD in WIDESCREEN.
The DVD is encoded NTSCÂ REGION 0(playable worldwide), and Digital Remastered. This is a must have dvd for all who are fans of sports/comedy movies.
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