Police Around the World Dvd
This is the Dvd that will turn anyone from a Police “fan” into a true “fanatic”.
This Dvd is a chronicle of the Police’s first world tour, the viewer is invited
along with the band to explore Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, India, Egypt,
France, Latin America, and finally end up in Los Angeles. The stage
performances showcase the band playing with a frenzy and passion that
would not be matched during their superstardom years. (In fact, sometimes
you could say they got TOO passionate–Stewart drives them like a madman
through some numbers, and Sting gets into a swearing and spitting match
with an audience member in France.) The off-stage footage is often hilarious
(Andy sumo-wrestling in Japan; a squabble among the Copeland brothers in
Egypt that dissolves into shoving and cursing in Arabic) and also quite revealing
of the tensions that always lurked beneath the surface with the group.
Production values are perhaps not the highest, but that doesn’t detract
from the joy of the music.
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