Films That Were Way Ahead of Their Time were extraordinary

Talking about timeless rare movies for sale, it’s impossible to not discuss these films that were extraordinarily progressive

for the social landscape they were released in.

It may have taken decades to appreciate masterpieces that were produced during the golden era of Hollywood, but it’s

better late than never. Good classics age like wine: they only get better with time and we only get wise enough with age

to value their existence.

Here are some examples that need to be honored and appreciated for the service they have done to the industry and

to our society, since the time they were released.


Directed by the legend Fritz Lang himself, this movie is the ultimate crime epic that makes every minute spent watching

the 268-minute-long silent film an investment you won’t regret. It portrays the mastermind Dr. Mabuse who seizes Berlin

through his criminal feats and successfully dodges the attempts of Detective Wenk to stop him.

During the time that Dr. Mabuse exercised control over Berlin, crime was an epidemic and Dr. Mabuse was one player in the

web of this crime wave. The plot may sound like something you’ve heard many times before but that’s the beauty of it. This

film was an influential trendsetter in the industry that left behind a masterwork that has, and still is being used as an iconic

example in storytelling and films. It won’t be a surprise to find subtle references to this film in subsequent crime films that

have been released since.

THE TRIAL (1962)

An adaptation of a book by Franz Kafka, The Trial was a gamble to begin with. Since it’s based on one of the greatest

works of literature which was penned by a writer of unmatched abilities, the task of adapting it in screenplay was impossible,

to say the least. Since movies based on books already have a soiled reputation for being bad remakes, it added to the pressure

that was laden on Orson Welles’ shoulders. But since the director was a legend of equal stature in the film industry, the film

came out as a brilliant masterpiece. It’s commendable how Welles aptly captures the surreal, dream-like state of a clerk

who’s accused of an ambiguous crime that the system of justice fails to explain to him. The disjunction between the reality

of the character’s life and the sequence of events that are happening in it in the worst of ways is astoundingly brilliant and

Welles does a great service by portraying it exactly. We sell authentic DVD copies of rare old classic movies to movie buffs

around the world and would be happy to provide you with one for one of the masterworks mentioned above! Contact us

right here.

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